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"News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era"

Melt + Corexit + BP = Gulf Stream Broken?

03 December; updated 09 December, 2010


A grounded bird
Perched feet from sheer faces,
Freefalls and deadly drops
Flying on jutted thrusts of rock
I suddenly feel boreal
And pseudo-alpine.

The wind rustles steadily
In lower reaches of this chasm,
this monstrous ravine.
Clouds puff and duplicate
In the sun's constant spread.

Mountains engage the eye
From every dimension
Beyond the third
Into a timeless fourth.
Time eased away
In the day's anxiousness.
Next is annexed to now
You are the impermanence of moment.

Ned Green wrote this beautiful poem on the Appalachian Trail in his Journal in 1997.
On February 18, 2001, at only 26, doing what he loved most, climbing, his support on an
ice ledge gave way where he fell into a deep chasm on Mt. Washington, New Hampshire.


Information on humankind's impact on Global Climate Change first began to be posted on Flyby News on 22 February, 2002, beginning with an article about widespread environmental change in the Arctic. It has always made sense to lessen the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, especially Carbon, into our atmosphere. And to maintain the lungs of Earth, forests, and places for carbon sinks and air purification. The New World Disorder or the military industrial complex empire had another agenda in lock step with fascist fear, control of the elite over the masses. It is the blind leading the blind. We hope raising awareness for life's survival in the 21st Century will be helpful for a big turnaround. Becoming more aware is a critical step regardless of outcome. Our integrity, our humanity is at risk and facing challenging times. As I update this page 03 December 2010, Russia is anticipating its coldest winter in 1,000 years! You can watch a RT video report and article here, and I suggest reading, listening to the article by Gianluigi Zangari, Gulf of Mexico Loop Current Broken!! Risk of Global Climate Change By BP Oil Spill !, published July 17, 2010. Updated data has so far confirmed this alarming report. Our becoming more aware and not dreading in fear is crucial for any chance in transforming catastrophe toward harmony.


09 December 2010 - YouTube - 911blogger
Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura,
Season 2 Episode 7 (BP OIL SPILL) - FULL LENGTH

Be sure to watch this following next episode:
Jesse Ventura: Conspiracy Theory, Fri, Dec 17, 2010 The Pentagon
Check your local listings for correct time - TruTV -

07 July 2010 - Len Horowitz and Sherri Kane
WAR on The World
Thirty Facts Reveal Gulf Oil Disaster Was Planned

13 July 2010 - Youtube - Flyby News Productions
Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane
Interviewed by Jonathan Mark on July 1, 2010
Part 1 of interview is at above link.
For all 6 parts, and for Bob Bowman Interview, click here!
[Flyby News Productions, listed in alphabetical order]

17 July 2010 - Socio-Economics Blog - Gianluigi Zangari
Gulf of Mexico Loop Current Broken!
Risk of Global Climate Change by BP Oil Spill

05 October 2010 - EuropeBusiness Blog - Lord Stirling
Life On This Earth Just Changed

- Rebuttal -
{But following data not related to 2010 Oil-Corexit timetable}

07 December 2010 - Reporting Climate Science - Leon Clifford
Gulf Stream is not slowing because of global warming
"NASA found no change in the strength of the circulation
between 2002 and 2009. And using the longer set of satellite
altimeter data, NASA found that the circulation had actually
increased in speed by about 20 percent between 1993 and 2009."

22 December 2010 - Agence France-Presse - Common Dreans
Biting Winters Driven by Global Warming: Scientists

FN's updated resource page on this topic:
Energy Pollution's Impact On Environment

In summer 2000, an international team of scientists led by Serreze
released results of a study documenting widespread
environmental changes over the Arctic.

To read the article published by, see:
Scientists Say Polar Warming Continues With Ice Mass Losses

News Flash! ! !

This came in 20 March 2002 on the vernal equinox:

An Antarctic ice shelf that was 200 metres thick
and had a surface area of 3,250 square kilometres
has broken apart in less than a month.

"We knew what was left would collapse eventually,
but the speed of it is staggering,"

-- Dr David Vaughan
Glaciologist at the Bas in Cambridge.

"[It is hard] to believe that 500 billion tonnes of
ice sheet has disintegrated in less than a month."

The full article, with graphics and maps, is located at

For related information and article, see editor's notes and item 1
Collapsing the doubts on warming - posted 25 March 2002.

The Day After Tomorrow?

The present state of the 'ocean conveyor belt' that transfers
warm, less salty water from the Pacific to the Atlantic as a
shallow current, and returns cold, more salty water from the
Atlantic to the Pacific as a deep current flowing further
south. This flow is threatened by melting ice in the
Arctic, and disruptions off the Antarctic coast.

See following link for a photo and more on this critical concern!
Ocean Forces Threaten Our Climate

UPDATED - August, 2008:
Scientists Astounded by Speed of Deep Freeze
It's one of the most dramatic examples of climate change in Earth's history,
and scientists now say it happened almost entirely in one year's time.

Climate chill came exactly 12,679 years ago: study
The study, of pollens, minerals and other matter deposited in annual
layers at the bottom of Lake Meerfelder Maar in Germany, pinpointed an
abrupt change in sediments consistent with a sudden chill over just one year.

08 November 2010 - Associated Press -
Scientists Found Dead Coral Caused
by BP Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico

21 October 2010 - Democracy Now! War and Peace Report
6 Months Since BP Oil Spill, Writer and Environmentalist
Terry Tempest Williams Asks "Where Is Our Outrage?"

21 October 2010 - - Greg Palast
The Petroleum Broadcast System Owes Us an Apology

17 August 2010 - NY Daily News - Common Dreams
Government Report on Gulf Oil Spill Inaccurate,
Scientists Say at Least 79% of Oil Still in the Sea

06 August 2010 - 911blogger - Sander Hicks
From Agent Orange, to 9/11, to BP:
Kenneth Feinberg is Master of Disaster

27 June 2010 - EcoFriendlyConsult - Jack Williams
They are Purposely Killing the Gulf with Corexit

Secret ingredients of chem-dispersant Corexit finally revealed
11 June 2010 - Natural News - Mike Adams
Toxic Corexit dispersant chemicals remained
secret as feds colluded with Big Business

18 June 2010 - Scientific America -Common Dreams
Is Using Dispersants on the BP Gulf Oil Spill
Fighting Pollution with Pollution?

09 June 2010 - Sherri Kane - Leonard Horowitz
Vatican Official Tied To BP, Goldman-Sachs,
And Media Censorship In The Oil Fiasco
Increasing Evidence Of Foul Play

14 June 2010 - OnlineJournal - Jerry Mazza
Shedding light on the dark hole in the Gulf

21 May 2010 - New York Times - Bob Herbert
More Than Just an Oil Spill
The disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is threatening
an ecosystem the same way that big corporations
like BP threaten our political system.

19 May 2010 - OnlineJournal - Jerry Mazza
Capping the devil's cauldron
In the face of apocalyptic events,
thoughts of deity, the devil
and our children.

17 May 2010 - NaturalNews - Mike Adams
Massive underwater oil cloud
may destroy life in Gulf of Mexico

21 December 2009 - Online Journal - Jerry Mazza
One man's look at the global warming horizon
How oil remains the culprit behind 9/11 and global warming,
the latter being a reality not an elitist scam.

FN's resource page on this topic:
Energy Pollution's Impact On Environment

Additional Critical Breaking News

02 December 2010 - 911blogger - Prof. Steven Jones
A peer-reviewer of the "Active Thermitic
Materials" paper identifies himself... Great!

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust
from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

02 December 2010 - Democracy Now! - War and Peace
UN Special Rapporteur Juan Méndez:
Instead of Focusing on Assange,
U.S. Should Address WikiLeaks'
Disclosures of Torture

02 December 2010 - Democracy Now! - Jeremy Scahill
WikiLeaks Cables Confirm Secret U.S. War Ops in Pakistan
01 December 2010 - Democracy Now! - Scott Horton
WikiLeaks Cables Reveal U.S. Tried to Thwart
Spanish Probes of Gitmo Torture and CIA Rendition

01 December 2010
Leaked Cables Reveal U.S. Pressured Spain
to Drop Case of Cameraman Killed in 2003
Attack on Journalists in Baghdad

30 November 2010 - Democracy Now! - Amy Goodman
Noam Chomsky: WikiLeaks Cables Reveal
"Profound Hatred for Democracy on the
Part of Our Political Leadership"

06 November 2010 - Word Press - Scott Creighton
Chomsky: No Evidence That Al Qaeda
or bin Laden Carried Out 9/11 Attack

You can watch this film Online at above link.
And it will be screened in Northampton, MA, December 30th
with the filmmaker, Chris Pratt; (click here to download fliers)

The views expressed herein are writers' own and not necessarily of Flyby News.
Fair Use Policy that describes use of copyrighted material is at
Feedback for story suggestions and networking Flyby News is appreciated.
You can write to the editor by email: - flyby(at}mtdata{dot)com -

Flyby News is educational and nonviolent in focus,
and has supported critical campaigns for a healthy
environment, human rights, justice, and nonviolence,
since the launch of NASA's Cassini space probe in 1997.

News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era

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