Flyby News
"News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era"
Rosie * 9/11 Fire Fight * Sitcha * Mind Control
April 26, 2007
"To open ourselves to the truth and to bring ourselves face to face
with our personal and collective reality is not an option that can be
accepted or rejected. It is an undeniable requirement of all people
and all societies that seek to humanize themselves and to be free.."
-- Guatemalan Bishop Juan Jose Gerardi Conedera
Assassinated April 25, 1998, one day after his speech (and above quote),
when he presented his findings of an in-depth probe into a campaign of
terror against the people of Guatemala waged by their own government.1) Rosie Tells ABC To Screw Its 9/11 Censorship- - 9/11 FIREFIGHTER LUNG AILMENTS ON THE RISE
- - Court Ruling May Stop 9/11 Air Quality Lawsuits
- - The Betrayal of New York's Bravest
2) Kucinich Seeks Cheney Impeachment
3) Court Date for Richard Sitcha – Press Release
4) The Waters of Knowledge vs. Waters of Uncertainty
Editor’s Notes:Rosie O'Donnell has become a beacon for free speech regarding the cover-up and the false flag operations of September 11, which had led the US into attacking two nations and a promised permanent war on (for) terrorism. Rosie will be leaving the View on ABC TV in mid June. This Friday this program is airing NY firefighters that have taken the brunt by a government betraying its bravest civil servants. Mike Berger’s film,
"Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of our Republic," includes a 20 minute video about the New York City Fire Department radio scandal that receives very little attention. Several cities still use these radios -- and they still do not work! They continue to jeopardize the lives of the first responders. This is based on the book
Radio Silence F.D.N.Y.: The Betrayal of New York's Bravest.
Item 2 is about Dennis Kucinich leadership efforts to impeach Dick Cheney. Item 3 is a press release on an upcoming court date for Richard Sitcha, a political prisoner who had received political asylum in the US, and to then to be incarcerated for more than 3 years without any humanitarian consideration or due process by an apparent corrupt judicial system. Item 4 is an important relevant article, called
“The Waters of Knowledge versus The Waters of Uncertainty: Mass Denial in the Assassination of President Kennedy.
Firefighters recoil in dramatic patriotic wonder
While betrayal breathes in the toxic fumes to suppress
Truth for the grand scheme beyond belief, the corruption
wonders what is next, while silence breathes down our necks.
1) Rosie Tells ABC To Screw Its 9/11 Censorship- - 9/11 FIREFIGHTER LUNG AILMENTS ON THE RISE
- - Court Ruling May Stop 9/11 Air Quality Lawsuits
- - The Betrayal of New York's Bravest
Rosie Tells ABC To Screw Its 9/11 Censorship
Offers of more money, new contract turned down by hero O'Donnell as she refuses to shut up about 9/11
Steve Watson
Prison PlanetWednesday, April 25, 2007
ABC is reporting that it has been unable to come to a contractual agreement with Rosie O'Donnell. As a result, her hosting duties on The View will come to an end mid-June.
An article by ABC news states:
So here we are a year later, and while we've tried to come to terms on a deal that would extend her co-hosting duties on 'The View,' we find ourselves unable to agree on some key elements.
Despite controversy — or maybe because of it — O'Donnell was good business for ABC, owned by the Walt Disney Co. Ratings for "The View" during February sweeps were up 15 percent in key women demographics over the same time in 2006.
We can reveal that the "key elements" that could not be agreed upon were O'Donnell's propensity to continue to expose the fraud that is the government's official story of 9/11 and her
pledge of allegiance to 9/11 truth.
Prominent 9/11 truth sources close to O'Donnell revealed to Alex Jones weeks ago that Rosie had refused to have her first amendment rights restricted and was likely to quit on her own terms after she was asked to stay on the show by ABC with the proviso that she tone down her stance on the issue of 9/11.
Today this has been made official.
According to our source O'Donnell has described some involved with the production of The View as "Neocon gate-keepers" and found it impossible to continue as she was increasingly being heavily edited during recordings.
The same associates were also blocking Rosie from bringing on guests of her own choosing whom she believed would further expose the 9/11 cover up.
Barbara Walters, co owner of the view stated that she had no say in the contract negotiations and added on today's show that they are prepared to be inundated with letters, and that "We have not thought about a replacement."
O'Donnell had increased The View's viewership by 15 percent over the course of the year.
O'Donnell caused uproar last month when she went on a rant about the many questions surrounding the collapse of Building 7, reaching around 30 million viewers in the process.
This was the largest single exposure 9/11 truth has enjoyed to date and it represented a watershed moment in the quest to bring the truth to the masses.
O'Donnell was attacked left right and centre for two weeks solid by such corporate media establishment hacks as Bill O'Reiily, Joe Scarborough and Danny Bonaduce who seriously called for her to be executed.
Despite calling for the whole issue to be marginalized, hypocrite Bill O'Reilly decided to throw his entire weight behind creating a feud with O'Donnell in a desperate attempt to boost ratings for his failing Fox News show.
ABC's The View averages over twice as many viewers as O'Reilly's show, reaching a total of around 30 million viewers throughout the course of the entire show. O'Donnell has introduced 600,000 new viewers since she took the helm in September 2006.
Now it seems America haters such as O'Reilly are to get their wish that O'Donnell should shut up, not because of their own ill informed outbursts but because Rosie has chosen freedom of speech over media control.
The announcement comes on the day when The View is taping a show that features several 9/11 first responders, victims of a government cover-up that allowed them to breathe deadly toxic dust at ground zero.
Rosie is purportedly sick and tired of the very parties who covered-up the toxic dust scandal then claiming the mantle of 9/11 victims in order to smear anyone who asks questions about the events of that day. O'Donnell is aware of the fact that the
majority of the victim's family members now believe there is an ongoing cover-up surrounding 9/11.
Our source has also revealed that O'Donnell was prepared to invite numerous other guests on The View, including high profile members of the 9/11 truth movement whom she has been in meetings with for the past six months.
We hope to reveal more as and when Rosie's delicate situation with ABC allows. What is clear is at this point is that O'Donnell will return to television in the near future uncensored.
Click here to listen to Alex Jones' short rant on this issue.
Source URL: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
- - 9/11 FIREFIGHTER LUNG AILMENTS ON THE RISERelated note from John Feal, 9/11 rescue worker, founder of, and organzier of the Doo-Wop Rock and Roll Benefit Concert:
I hope you all get a chance to watch the 9/11 responders on "The View" [taped] on ABC April 25th. One of those responders will be Vito Valenti, a 9/11 volunteer, sick with fibrosis of the lungs and needs a double lung transplant. Vito also sits on the board of directors at the FealGood Foundation. I can only hope Rosie and the others do the right thing for these three heroes that day. Please support these brave souls, Bonnie Giebfried, Alex Sanchez and Vito, and the FealGood foundation.
Thank you and God bless you all.
John Feal
"Lets make America great again, together"
April 22, 2007 -- Twenty-six firefighters who toiled at Ground Zero came down with sarcoidosis, an inflammatory illness that often attacks the lungs, in the five years after 9/11 - a significant increase, a new study has found.
The study has angered the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, which complains that the NYPD has refused to acknowledge that 9/11 caused sarcoidosis in cops.
Half the firefighter cases were diagnosed in the first year after 9/11 - a rate six times higher than the average for the Bravest in the 15 years before 9/11, according to a paper to be published in CHEST, a medical journal.
The results "strongly argue for improved respiratory protection" at future fires, disasters and toxic sites, says the report, whose authors include FDNY top doctors David Prezant and Kerry Kelly.
The PBA, which has its own registry of ailing WTC responders, counts 19 cops with sarcoidosis.
Unlike the FDNY, the NYPD has been reluctant to link the disease to 9/11.
The NYPD has also rejected some cops' medical bills for sarcoidosis.
"First they denied any connection between the WTC and sarcoidosis. Now that there's scientific evidence, they refuse to accept it," PBA president Patrick Lynch told The Post.
NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said Commissioner Ray Kelly welcomed line-of-duty death benefits recently given the daughter of detective James Zadroga, 34, a 9/11 responder who died of respiratory illness.
"The department hasn't refused to acknowledge a link. The medical division is reviewing the cases," Browne said.
Source URL: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
- - Court Ruling May Stop 9/11 Air Quality LawsuitsApr 20, 2007
(CBS/AP) NEW YORK An appeals court ruling could spell trouble for New Yorkers suing the Environmental Protection Agency and its former chief for saying that sooty Lower Manhattan air was safe to breathe after the Sept. 11 terror attacks.
A three judge panel of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declared this week that EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman and other agency officials can't be held constitutionally liable for making rosy declarations about air quality in the days following the World Trade Center's destruction.
The opinion, written by the court's chief judge, Dennis Jacobs, said opening EPA workers up to lawsuits for giving out bad information during a crisis could have a catastrophic side effect.
"Officials might default to silence in the face of the public's urgent need for information," Jacobs wrote.
The ruling, filed Thursday, applied only to a suit brought by five government employees who did rescue and cleanup work at ground zero, but it contained language suggesting that similar legal claims could face trouble.
It specifically mentioned a class action lawsuit brought by lower Manhattan residents who claim Whitman jeopardized their health by declaring that "the air is safe to breathe" at a time when, according to the EPA inspector general, a quarter of dust samples were recording unhealthy asbestos levels.
Last year, U.S. District Judge Deborah A. Batts, refused to dismiss that case, calling Whitman's statements "conscience-shocking."
That decision is now on appeal and has yet to be argued before the 2nd Circuit, but Jacobs indicated a reversal might be imminent, saying outright that the panel disagreed with Batts' reasoning.
Truncated, for the complete article, see: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
- - The Betrayal of New York's Bravest“Radio Silence F.D.N.Y.
The Betrayal of New York's Bravest”
This is the book that resulted in the investigations into the FDNY radios and what really happened to over 100 FDNY Chiefs, Officers and Firefighters, known as New York City's Bravest on 9/11.
It contains over 80 official documents, many exposed for the first time anywhere that reveal a trail of greed and betrayal that truly shocked America.
Written by a current New York City Battalion Chief and a former law enforcement officer from California, this explosively revealing book names names and backs up what it reveals.
The manuscript of this book formed the basis for the NBC news programs and print media articles that broke this story open before the 9/11 Commission hearings in New York City.
For more information and to order this book, see: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The DVD of the film,
"Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of our Republic," includes a 20 minute video about the New York City Fire Department radio scandal that receives very little attention. Several cities still use these radios -- and they still do not work! They continue to jeopardize the lives of the first responders. Based on the book
Radio Silence F.D.N.Y.: The Betrayal of New York's Bravest.
2) Kucinich Seeks Cheney ImpeachmentAmericans to Rally Nationwide on Saturday
For Immediate Release
Press Contact
Jacob Park
(917) 254-9330
NEW YORK, N.Y., April 23, 2007 - Following on today's announcement by Rep. Dennis Kucinich that he will file Articles of Impeachment against Vice-President Dick Cheney, Americans across the country will take to the streets on April 28 to call for the impeachment of both Cheney and Bush. From Miami, Florida to North Pole, Alaska, more than 100 actions are planned nationwide.
Jacob Park, National Coordinator of the April 28 actions, said "George Bush and Dick Cheney lied the nation into an illegal war of aggression, are spying on millions of innocent Americans, and have authorized the use of torture. The time has come for all Americans-particularly our representatives in Congress-to decide where they stand. To turn a blind eye to lying, spying, and torture makes a mockery of our most basic values and the very notion of democracy."
On April 28, a visit by George Bush to Miami will be greeted with a massive impeachment rally organized by dozens of local groups. At the California Democratic Convention in San Diego, hundreds of delegates will defy the party leadership by bringing an impeachment resolution to the floor. Thousands of Americans will form "human murals" spelling out "IMPEACH!" with their bodies at Ocean Beach in San Francisco, Coney Island in New York, the foot of the Washington monument in Washington, D.C., and other locations. And elsewhere people will spell it out in myriad other ways ranging from banners drops on freeway overpasses to a skywriting plane over the New Orleans Jazzfest to a guerrilla impeachment slideshow on the buildings of New York City.
The coordination of the April 28 nationwide impeachment actions has relied heavily on new Web 2.0 internet technologies, including, a new social network created by the organizers to build a community around the issue of impeachment. For a complete list of actions scheduled for April 28, please see
Jacob Park
National Coordinator
A28 Nationwide Impeachment Protests
Tel: 718.404.9472
Skype: jacobparknyc* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kucinich seeks to impeach Cheney
The Associated Press
CLEVELAND Rep. Dennis Kucinich, a vocal critic of the Bush administration's war in Iraq, plans to introduce articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney today.
Kucinich, a Democrat who is running for president, said Monday that he will hold a news conference in Washington to discuss his effort to oust Cheney. Kucinich spokeswoman Natalie Laber declined further comment.
Under the House impeachment process, Kucinich's articles would be reviewed by the House Judiciary Committee, which would decide whether to conduct an impeachment inquiry. The committee would seek authority from the entire House before beginning an inquiry.
Cheney spokeswoman Megan McGinn responded to Kucinich's announcement by saying that the vice president has served the nation honorably for almost 40 years.
"The vice president is focused on the serious issues facing our nation," McGinn said.
On his campaign Web site, Kucinich questions whether the Bush administration's aggressive actions toward Iran justify raising the issue of impeachment.
"So I'm asking you, what do you think? Do you think it's time?" Kucinich asks.
Copyright © 2007 The Seattle Times Company
Source URL: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Note: The first presidential debate will be broadcast by MSNBC - April 26, 2007 - 7pm
3) Court Date for Richard Sitcha – Press ReleasePRESS RELEASE - April 16, 2007
Sitcha Defense Committee
Contact: Suzanne Carlson
P O Box 1263, Greenfield MA 01302
Tel. 413-774-2112 Email
After more than 3 1/2 years in detention (in 3 different prisons), Richard Sitcha is hoping for justice and freedom when his appeal will be heard. The habeas corpus motion to the U.S. Court of Appeals of the Second Circuit in New York City is scheduled for hearing by three judges on Friday, April 27, 2007, at 10 a.m. The hearing is open to the public, but asylum-seeker/detainee Richard Sitcha will not be present in the courtroom, although several of his supporters will be there.
Sitcha's attorney, Kevin Hoffkins of Westport CT, was retained by the Committee in March 2006, after Sitcha received notice from the Clerk of the Court of Appeals to submit his appeal-brief within 30 days. (Sitcha and the Committee had filed, pro se, a habeas motion to the U.S. District Court, Hartford, in mid-May 2005.) Attorney Hoffkins accomplished all the administrative paperwork (to represent Sitcha and to extend the deadline), reviewed the case files, and filed the appeal brief by mid-May 2006. In March the Court informed Attorney Hoffkins of the April 27 hearing. He will have 8 minutes for oral arguments, as will the U.S. attorney. The judges will determine whether the laws (and Sitcha's rights) were violated by the Immigration Judge (September 2003 hearing that led to revocation of the asylum granted in January 2003). Sitcha and supporters are hopeful, since the Immigration Judge should not have reopened the case (since evidence was discoverable before the first asylum hearing), and the revocation hearing accepted as evidense hearsay-on-hearsay and an alleged telephone conversation (both unreliable). Only recorded hearings and written briefs, plus oral arguments of April 27, will be considered by the three judges as they determine if the law has been followed.
Should the court deny Sitcha's appeal and order deportation, the support committee is pursuing contingencies to protect Sitcha. Should the court remand the case, most likely to the Bureau of Immigration Appeals (BIA), which never fully heard Sitcha's mishandled appeal, or possibly to the Immigration Judge, the subsequent process could take a long time. The Committee would immediately pursue a bail-bond opportunity, as several people have offered cash and equity in order to have Sitcha out in the community that is eager to welcome him.
Letters of support are welcome, to the Committee (above) and/or directly to Sitcha:
Richard Sitcha, #39823; Unit E1, Room 210; Plymouth County Correctional Facility; 26 Long Pond Road; Plymouth MA 02360.
Updated - 4/25 - Sitcha case hearing cancelled
Dear friend of Richard Sitcha,
We just found out late this afternoon that the appellate court has cancelled the hearing. The attorney received a letter from the court, which he confirmed by phone. The judges reviewed the briefs and the US Attorney's request to remand the case to the BIA (Bureau of Immigration Appeals) and decided to remand the case to the BIA. No hearing. The BIA consideration might wait years...
While I struggle with this change and await further information from the attorney, I'm trying to "live in a house of hope" (like Richard does) and to believe that one door has closed but another has opened. Meanwhile we will explore the possibility of bail/bond in order to get Richard out of prison and amongst us. I will keep you informed.
Meanwhile, Richard and a few other inmates at Plymouth County Correctional Facility will be confirmed in a ceremony by the Bishop on Saturday, April 28. (Richard was baptized while in a Catholic high school in Cameroon, and only recently has gone through preparation for confirmation.)
Please hold Richard in your prayers. With hope, Suzanne for the Sitcha Defense Committee
Background Information:Trained in law, Richard Sitcha, now 45, fled Cameroon in April 2001 with the help of a priest after he had been arrested and tortured for revealing the government’s role in the murders of nine youth (the Bepanda Nine). He was granted asylum here January 16, 2003. Following telephone calls to Cameroon which failed to verify Sitcha’s involvement, the INS summoned him to court September 18, 2003, revoked his asylum, and made him a part of Homeland Security’s “Pilot Program” of incarceration during adjudication. His first lock-down, incredibly, was with hardened criminals at Connecticut’s maximum security prison in Osborn. There he was beaten so badly he had to be hospitalized, a circumstance that, along with language obstacles and insufficient legal service, contributed to failure of his appeal of the asylum reversal. Shortly after, Sitcha was transferred to Franklin County Jail, Greenfield MA; supporters filed a habeas motion to the U.S. District Court in Springfield in April 2004. Journalist Maureen Turner was able to interview Sitcha extensively in the jail, and published an extensive cover story with photos in the "Valley Advocate" in July 2004.
Legal developments: The government has pressed hard to have him deported. His (first) habeas corpus motion was rejected on March 31, 2005 by Judge Michael Ponsor. Since an appeal was filed, Judge Ponsor later denied the government’s motion for deportation, maintaining the stay of deportation pending appeal (until May 30, 2005). With expert assistance of the National Immigration Project, supporters continued to pursue the legal process, and managed to get the case returned to the Hartford District (under the Second Circuit Court of Appeals/New York), with a habeas motion and stay of deportation, by mid-May 2005.
Near the end of his year at Greenfield’s jail (2004-5) he had been denied the right to make phone calls to Cameroon needed for his defense. When all 30 detainees were transferred to eastern MA jails on March 31, 2005, Richard was placed in a cell overnight, naked and without a blanket, and kept in isolation for several weeks, then moved to different units within Plymouth County Correctional Facility, without Bible or contact lists, unable to make phone calls. Key supporter Lorena Dutelle (his American “maman”) has been able to visit him twice a week (through a glass on a phone for 30 minutes) since mid-April 2005, sometimes with another friend visiting at the same time. This was the second time Richard had been moved away from a strong community of support, but through visits and letters Richard has maintained a devoted following. Those of us who have known him -- variously as a member of Saint Anne’ Church, adviser to students on African affairs at Wesleyan University, or through prison visitations or letters -- know him to be warm, gentle and intelligent, a devout Catholic and a model prisoner who has lent much support to other detainees; at the same time, his idealist’s view of American “justice” has been demolished.
Perspectives: The interest of Cameroon in the return of one who “revealed state secrets”, and the eagerness of our government to deliver him, we suspect, is likely connected to the fact of Cameroon’s offshore oil and its natural gas reserves, oil company pipelines through Cameroon from Chad, and the Pentagon’s desire to establish a US military base in that country/region. Our State Department consistently reports the 24-year rule of President Biya violates human rights. All communications in the country are monitored by the government. These dots are rather easy to connect.
The legal process will have to play itself out, The 887 people in the Greenfield area who petitioned members of Congress in 2005, and followed up with hundreds of phone calls to their MA offices, had not been able to move these officials to address the serious issues of repeated constitutional violations, assault and cruel and unusual punishment, the government’s failure to provide materials during discovery, interference with Sitcha’s defense, denial of press interviews, blocking Sitcha’s acceptance in a third country and, should he be deported, not assuring that one of us accompany him back to Cameroon to seek guarantees for his safety there.
Through 3 1/2 years of detention, this wonderful man from Cameroon continues to "live in a house of hope" (as Sarah Pirtle expressed in the song she wrote about him) and inspires others with his faith and humanity. Although he fled for his life from an abusive regime, leaving wife, two sons and extended family, community, meaningful work, and beloved culture, Richard has found -- through suffering the injustices of our "homeland security" system -- the true security of loving friends and community, both in Hartford-area and in Western Massachusetts.
4) The Waters of Knowledge vs. Waters of UncertaintyThe Waters of Knowledge
The Waters of Uncertainty
Mass Denial in the Assassination of President Kennedy
by E. Martin SchotzINTRODUCTION
My task this afternoon is to explore with you the reasons the American people do not know who killed President Kennedy and why. In order to do this we will have to deal with three interdependent conspiracies which developed in the course of the assassination and its aftermath. These are (1) the criminal conspiracy to murder the President by a cabal of militarists at the highest echelons of power in the United States; (2) the conspiracy which aided and abetted these murderers after the fact, by covering for the assassins, also a true criminal conspiracy involving an extremely wide circle of government officials across the entire political spectrum and at all levels of government; and (3) a conspiracy of ignorance, denial, confusion, and silence which has pervaded our entire public.
The major focus of my talk today is this third conspiracy on the part of the public, which includes our so-called "critical community". I want to show you that our failure to know is not based on any lack of data or because the data is ambiguous. It is all extremely simple and obvious. Rather we don't know because we are deeply emotionally resistant to what such knowledge tells us about ourselves and our society. Furthermore the powers-that-be do not reward people for such knowledge. Indeed if a person is willing to acknowledge the truth, is in a position to share such knowledge with the public, and wishes to do so, then the organized institutions of our society will turn sharply against such a person.
Now this is not a new problem in the history of society. In fact, I want to read to you a Sufi tale from the Ninth Century which can help to orient us to the problem. The tale is entitled "When the Waters Were Changed." It goes as follows:
When the Waters Were Changed
Once upon a time Khidr, the Teacher of Moses, called upon mankind with a warning. At a certain date, he said, all the water in the world which had not been specially hoarded, would disappear. It would then be renewed with dfferent water, which would drive men mad.
Only one man listened to the meaning of this advice. He collected water, went to a secure place where he stored it, and waited for the water to change its character.
On the appointed date the streams stopped running, the wells went dry, and the man who had listened, seeing this happening, went to his rdtreat and drank his preserved water.
When he saw, from his security, the waterfalls again beginning to flow, this man descended among the other sons of men. He found that they were thinking and talking in an entirely different way from before; yet they had no memory of what had happened, nor of having been warned. When he tried to talk to them, he realized that they thought that he was mad, and they showed hostility or compassion, not understanding.
At first he drank none of the new water, but went back to his concealment, to draw on his supplies, every day. Finally, however, he took the decision to drink the new water because he could not bear the loneliness of living, behaving and thinking in a different way from everyone else. He drank the new water, and became like the rest. Then he forgot all about his own store of special water, and his fellows began to look upon him as a madman who had miraculously been restored to sanity.
The struggle for truth in the assassination of President Kennedy confronts us with the problem of the "waters of knowledge" versus "the waters of uncertainty." Let me give you an example involving two important individuals who attempted to bring the truth before the American people. I am speaking of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison and filmmaker Oliver Stone.
Both Garrison and Stone knew that the President was the victim of a conspiracy by high level US military intelligence officials. Each in his own way tried to bring such knowledge to the attention of the American people. In the case of Oliver Stone, even before his film JFK had received its final cut there developed an unprecedented campaign of slander against Stone, that he was a madman, that he was a drunk. In the face of this attack Stone was advised to compromise and did so. He backed off from telling the American people that his film was the truth, and instead claimed that his film, JFK, was "my myth". In other words Stone said "I have my myth and you are entitled to yours. I'm not saying I know what happened here. There is uncertainty." The instant Stone did that, the campaign of slander ended. He was again acceptable. He was invited to address Congress and was permitted to ask the government to release more information so as to help us clear up the supposed mystery.
Jim Garrison's story is different. In the face of his effort to reveal the true nature of the assassination there was a campaign to discredit him. It was claimed that he was a drug addict, that he had ties to the Mafia, that he was grandstanding and self seeking. But Garrison never backed down. And because of that, even today a noted biographer cannot get a major publisher to enter into a contract to do an honest biography of the man. He is still an outcast, a madman as far as the society is concerned. Stone agreed to drink the waters of uncertainty and society recognized him as having miraculously recovered his sanity. Garrison refused, insisting on continuing to drink the waters of knowledge, and for this he suffered accordingly.
Not too long ago I received a letter from a lawyer and leading human rights activist in Bangladesh. Her name is Sultana Kamal, and in commenting on my book, History Will Not Absolve Us, she wrote the following: "There are so many ways human beings invent to humiliate their basic sense of dignity --- the sense of dignity which comes from the courage to acknowledge the truth. Instead we choose to live in falsehood to make ourselves instrumental in remaking conditions which bring us indignity, loss of self esteem and again bind us to the task of reconditioning the evil cycles of denial of truth and justice to ourselves."
Truncated, for the complete article, see:
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=====News Fit to Transmit in the Post Cassini Flyby Era====>
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